Philosophy of Religion arguments


The main arguments for the new AQA specification for Philosophy AS
Hannah Day
FlashCards por Hannah Day, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Hannah Day
Criado por Hannah Day aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
The Stone Paradox Questions the coherence of God's Omnipotence. Can God create a stone too heavy for him to lift? yes = then not Omnipotent/ no= not Omnipotent. In either option there is something he cannot do despite it not being an illogical task. singular incoherence.
Aquinas' counter to the Stone Paradox - Contradiction because beyond logical possibility -pseudo task - like asking God to create a square circle - so it is irrelevent
Mavrodes solution to the Stone Paradox - same as Aquinas - The Paradox is irrelevent because it assumes he is not Omnipotent - but if you assume he is Omnipotent, then it is a pseudo task
Savage's solution to the Stone Paradox - raises the question 'can anyone ever be Omnipotent? - X can lift an infinite amount of stones -Y can create an infinite amount of stones - God is both X and Y. God can do everything - infinity. They just don't come into conflict. So he is Omnipotent. - However the original task itself is illogical because God cannot create something illogical, as the world was created on logic and reason (COUNTER ALSO)


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