Relative Clauses


These are flashcards that can be used to practice relative clauses. The students have to combine the two sentences into one using relative clauses.
Jorge Cardoza
FlashCards por Jorge Cardoza, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jorge Cardoza
Criado por Jorge Cardoza quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
A bartender is a person. He serves drinks in a bar or pub. A bartender is person who serves drinks in a bar or pub.
A barometer is a tool. It is used to measure pressure. A barometer is a tool which is used to measure pressure.
A wallet is a folding holder. You can can keep your money and plastic cards in it. A wallet is a folding holder where you can can keep your money and plastic cards.
A tent is a shelter. It is made of canvas or a similar material and supported by poles and ropes. A tent is a shelter which is made of canvas or a similar material and supported by poles and ropes.
A unicycle is a cycle. It has a single wheel and is typically used by acrobats. A unicycle is a cycle which has a single wheel and is typically used by acrobats.
An igloo is an Eskimo house. It is usually made of blocks of snow or ice in the shape of a dome. An igloo is an Eskimo house which is usually made of blocks of snow or ice in the shape of a dome.
A procrastinator is a person. He delays or puts things off that should be done in a timely manner. A procrastinator is a person who delays or puts things off that should be done in a timely manner.
A meteorologist is an expert. He reports and forecasts weather conditions. A meteorologist is an expert who reports and forecasts weather conditions.
A barn is an agricultural building. It is usually located on farms and used for various purposes. A barn is an agricultural building which is usually located on farms and used for various purposes.
A cockpit is the space in the forward fuselage of an airplane. It contains the flying controls and seats for the pilot and copilot. A cockpit is the space in the forward fuselage of an airplane which contains the flying controls and seats for the pilot and copilot.
A compass What is a compass?
A tennis court What is a tennis court?
A bus boy What is a bus boy?
A basement What is a basement?
A tablet What is a tablet?
A Town Hall What is a Town Hall?
A handy man Whar is s ahandy man?
Thanksgiving What is Thanksgiving?
Labour Day What is Labour Day?
Play-doh What is play-doh?


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