Exercise with free time activities with go + -ing


This activity is designed to practice free time activities with go + -ing by answering some questions.
Jorge Cardoza
FlashCards por Jorge Cardoza, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jorge Cardoza
Criado por Jorge Cardoza mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Free time Activities: go + -ing Instructions: Answer the questions. Use expressions with go + -ing. Example: Ann often goes to the beach. She spends hours in the water. What does she like to do? Answer: She likes to go swimming.
Kate and Mike like to go to a lake and stay there the whole day. They use oars to move the vessel. What do they like to do?
Two summers ago, Jake took his whole family to a National Park. They slept in a tent, swam and cooked their food over a fire. What did Jake do with his family two summers ago?
Mary likes to go to the stores in the malls and look at goods rather than to buy anything. What does Mary like to do?
Bob and Mateo like to jump out of airplanes using parachutes. What do they like to do?
Brenda likes to go to stores in malls and buy things. What does she like to do?
Phil likes to go to the sea and spend the whole day with poles in his hand doing this. What does he like to do in the sea?
When Steve has some free time he likes to go to this place where he rolls a ball at some pins. What does he like to do?
Tourists do this activity on buses that take them to see interesting places in a city. What do tourists do on buses?
Sandra is a great salsa dancer. What does she probably do a lot?
Because Alejandro loves nature. He likes to go for long walks in the forest. What does he like to do?
Ben and Rachel like outdoor sports. Every morning, they run at a slow speed with their dog as a form of exercise.
In winter, Martha and her boy friend like to go to a resort up in the mountains. They like to race down the side of a mountain in the snow. What do they like to do in the winter?
When there is a strong wind Bob likes to go to the ocean. He spends the whole day there using the wind to navigate his boat .
Lorena likes to go to a frozen lake near her house. She likes to do this activity on the smooth ice now that is winter.


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