The Rock Cycle


Undergraduate Geology - Part 2 (The Rock Cycle) FlashCards sobre The Rock Cycle, criado por siobhan.quirk em 16-05-2013.
FlashCards por siobhan.quirk, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por siobhan.quirk mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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Extrusion emission of magma onto the Earth's surface where it forms a lava flow
Weathering breakdown of rocks in situ
Erosion removal of weathered material, usually by the physical action of transported fragments
Transport means by which weathered material is moved from one place to another by water, wind, ice or gravity
Deposition laying down of a sediment that occurs when a transporting agent loses energy
Burial occurs when sediment is covered by younger layers of sediment accumulating on top of it
Diagenesis all processes that take place in sediments at low temperature and pressure at or near the Earth's surface
Recrystallisation solid state process that changes minerals into new crystalline metamorphic minerals
Metamorphism the changing of rocks in the Earth's crust by heat and/or pressure and/or volatile content. It is isochemical and occurs in the solid state
Partial melting the incomplete melting of rock in the lower crust or upper mantle
Magma accumulation magma collecting within a magma chamber
Crystallisation occurs during the cooling of magma or lava so that solid mineral crysals form
Intrusion igneous rock formed below the Earth's surface. The magma can be forced into pre-existing rocks, for example either along bedding planes and joints, or by cutting across the existing rocks.
Uplift return of buried rocks to the Earth's surface by tectonic forces
Thin section a thin (0.03mm) slice of rock that is translucent, mounted on a glass slide and viewed through a microscope
rock aggregate or mixture of one or more minerals
Clast fragment of broken rock
Sedimentary rock a rock composed of fragments that have been deposited, compacted and cemented
Igneous rock a rock that has crystallised from a magma
Silicates most important and abundant group of rock-forming mineraks, with an atomic structure containin SiO4, arranged as tetrahedra.
Metamorphic rock formed by the recrystallisation of other rocks in the solid state, due to pressure, temperature or both
Foliation a texture in metamorphic rocks formed by the preferred alignment of flat/tabular minerals
Geological column table that contains all of the eras and systems in the correct time sequence
Era major unit of time that contains several periods/systems
System refers to rocks laid down in a named time period and is shorter than an era


Characteristics of Rock Forming Minerals
The Geological Column
Rocks are linked by the Rock Cycle
Broad Classification of Rocks
The Rock Cycle
The Rock Cycle
The Rock Cycle
Hot Desert Environments
Deep Marine Basin Environments
Identifying Non-clastic Rocks
Clastic Shallow Seas