Solution and crystallisation


1st Year science FlashCards sobre Solution and crystallisation, criado por Izzy Fox em 26-05-2014.
Izzy  Fox
FlashCards por Izzy Fox, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Izzy  Fox
Criado por Izzy Fox mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Solution Is the solvent and the solute
solute the substance that is being dissolved in the solvent
Solvent Is the substance that the solute is being dissolved in
Concentrated Solution large amount of solute in a small amount of solvent.
Dilute solution small amount of solute and a large amount of solvent
How do you make a solution more dilute. Adding more solute
Saturated solution A solution that contains as much dissolved solute as possible at that temperature.
Crystallisation is the forming of crystals of a compound by cooling a hot saturated solution
suspension Mixture of an insoluble solid + liquid


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