Elizabethan Foreign Policy : Spain


History Elizabeth (Elizabeth's Foreign Policy) FlashCards sobre Elizabethan Foreign Policy : Spain, criado por erjnaylor em 27-05-2014.
FlashCards por erjnaylor, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por erjnaylor aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Philip II marriage proposal 1559
Major rebellion against Spain in Netherlands 1566
Clash between English and Spanish at San Juan de Ulna 1568
Spanish Bullion ships (the Genoese loan) seized November 1568
Suspension of Trade between Spain and England 1569
Papal Bull excommunicating Elizabeth 1570
Philip's involvement in Ridolfi Plot 1571 was supporting plots in England – instructed Alva (Governor of Netherlands) to send 10,000 troops to support Ridolfi plot
Dutch Revolt in Netherlands 1572
Convention of Nymegen 1573 – Convention of Nymegen: treaty resuming trade between Spain and England
E offers to mediate between Philip and William of Orange 1575
Sack of Antwerp 1576
Spanish commander Parma wins major successes against rebels in Netherlands 1578
King of Portugal died and Philip II becomes ruler of Spain and Portugal 1580
Don Antonio's attack on the Azures 1581
Treaty of Joinville: between French Catholic League and Spain 1584
Philip seizes English and Protestant shipping in Spain 1585
Reason for war against England from Philip's POV Seeing on Elizabeth sign with rebels (Treaty of Nonsuch in 1585) he had no choice
English troops surrender to Duke of Parma in the Netherlands 1587
Drake attacks Spanish naval base at Cadiz 1587
Adams's view on raids of Spanish shipping claims that the raids on Spanish shipping were an integral part of the wider conflict in the Netherlands. Elizabeth’s shortage of cash meant that self-sustaining warfare was the only realistic strategy
Armada 1588
Drake fails to destroy remnants of the Armada 1589
Unprofitable plundering expeditions on Spanish treasure coming from their overseas colonies by Hawkins and Frobisher 1593
Spanish Armada aimed at Ireland scattered by storms 1596 / 1597
Death of Philip II 1598
James I ends war with Spain 1604


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