880 test


Examples for 880 course
Glenn Barnett
FlashCards por Glenn Barnett, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Glenn Barnett
Criado por Glenn Barnett quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is EHR? Emergency Home Repairs
Daily morning tasks (Suggested for DSA’s) On the daily morning check on DTS, Nipsey pre-shift notes, disaster reports and resources, mobile smart dashboard, disasters specific information
What are the unit objectives? Sequence of delivery, referrals and guidance to survivors, provide IHP information, IHP individuals and Helms with program, Which physical facilities with their role in the disaster survivor assistance, select the appropriate i.e. programs to address their needs, determine how the privacy act impacts DSA
NPSC’s NPSC’s (national processing service centers also on his recovery service centers) located in: Denton Texas Hyattsville Maryland Winchester Virginia
FIT Failed income test
How many people are in a typical DSA crew 6-8
What does NEMIS stand for? National emergency management info system
Define IDV Identification verification
Define L ER LER is lodging expense reimbursement for temporary housing
What are the four forms of housing assistance Temporary housing assistance, repairs, replacement, permanent or semipermanent housing construction
GFIP Group flood insurance program
Traumatic events Home loss Family contact Injury or death
Car repair max $670


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