17. Reading A Computer Screen Is Harder Than Reading Paper


Fluxograma sobre 17. Reading A Computer Screen Is Harder Than Reading Paper, criado por Alexis Dahlberg em 22-08-2018.
Alexis Dahlberg
Fluxograma por Alexis Dahlberg, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alexis Dahlberg
Criado por Alexis Dahlberg mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Nós do fluxograma

  • 17. Reading A Computer Screen Is Harder Than Reading Paper
  • Computers emit light instead of reflecting light like books which is why it's harder to read a computer screen than a book.    It's important that you use contrast between your words and background to make your words easier to read. Black words on a white background works the best. 
  • How easy can you read this?
  • How easy can you read this?
  • How easy can you read this?


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