Custom Upload


Fluxograma sobre Custom Upload, criado por Eduardo Madrigal em 24-08-2017.
Eduardo Madrigal
Fluxograma por Eduardo Madrigal, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Eduardo Madrigal
Criado por Eduardo Madrigal mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Nós do fluxograma

  • Start
  • Select the year to load the file
  • Select the file to upload
  • Get the parameters configured in DB
  • Parameters are null
  • "No metrics are configured for the layout to load"
  • Save the file into the folder "TempFiles" and following the structure DD-MM-YYYY for the folder name and USERCODE_REPORTNAME_HOUR for the file name
  • From i = 0 to (total parameters)
  • Read the value of the cell and store in a table
  • Send the table as a parameter for the sp SCHSC_SAVE_DATA
  • Generate the log and save into database
  • Show the data uploaded into a table for the user
  • End
  • Yes
  • No


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