Pressure in fluids


Physics assignment
Aden Quadros
Mapa Mental por Aden Quadros, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Aden Quadros
Criado por Aden Quadros aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Pressure in fluids
  1. Derivation of formula of pressure
    1. volume=h(cross section of pillar of fluid)×a(breadth of pillar)
      1. mass=volume×density
        1. TAKING DENSITY AS d mass=a×h×d
          1. weight=mass×acceleration due to gravity
            1. weight of liquid column (force also)= a×h×d×g
              1. pressure=force÷area
                1. pressure=a×h×d×g÷a
                  1. pressure=h×d×g
    2. The laws of fluid pressure are
      1. 1) Pressure at a point in a fluid increases with depth
        1. 2) Pressure increases with increase in density of a fluid
          1. 3) Pressure in a fluid is same in all directions
            1. 4) Pressure at a horizontal plane at the same depth experiences equal amounts of pressure at all points of the horizontal plane
              1. liquid seeks it's own level
      2. Force acting normally per unit area is called THRUST THRUST acting on a unit area is called pressure
        1. Formula pressure=force÷area
          1. SI unit of force is
            1. Newton per metre square or Nm² Also called Pascal (Pa)
        2. Fluids exert pressure as they are molecules are always crashing into each other and the walls of the container hence applying pressure on the walls of the container this is called as lateral pressure
          1. Atmospheric pressure
            1. air in the atmosphere also exerts pressure this is known as atmospheric pressure
              1. in places of high altitude pressure is low places of lower pressure is high
                1. we would have been Crushed by the enormous pressure the atmosphere exerts but our blood exerts pressure counteracting with the atmospheric pressure thus not letting us being crushed
            2. hydraulic Jack takesadvantage that water is incompressible and hence we can move heavy objects without applying much pressure


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