

Mapa Mental sobre Subscriber, criado por ashagarje_09 em 17-06-2014.
Mapa Mental por ashagarje_09, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ashagarje_09 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. While/Before Enrollment Problems
    1. I need to enrolled to know RXP Services..
      1. I don't know billers supported by RXP...
        1. It's very lengthy process, should simple as 3 steps.
          1. What's the use of making Email Add mandatory at enrollment as it just verifies format.
            1. Whats the use of equifax question as they never used
              1. No need of so many security questions at enrollment...
              2. After Enrollment Problems
                1. After Enrollment I don't know how to use onbo/RXP
                  1. I don't have sufficient balance to pay bills n that's outta FI's limit
                    1. Ohh!! I forgot to pay bill, if RXP had remind me on Email/Mob


                      • if RXP had remind me on Email/Mob, I would have not miss to pay this bill. 
                      1. I cann't view Onboarding once I made payment


                        • If Subscriber liked the onboarding view he don't have ability to view onbo again if he made a payment.
                        1. Cann't View added biller on onboarding


                          • I have added biller in utility but I cannt know which biller I have added unless I click on that category
                          1. RXP takes to much time to confirm account

                              Anexos de mídia


                              16 Dicas para o Professor Criativo
                              Alessandra S.
                              ACENTUAÇÃO GRÁFICA
                              Viviana Veloso
                              Períodos literário brasileiro
                              Biologia e Geologia - Biologia 11ºano, parte III - Ensino Secundário Português
                              Heres Oliveira
                              Poder Constituinte
                              Jay Benedicto
                              Temas mais cobrados em Química
                              Marina Faria
                              CICLO CELULAR e MITOSE
                              João Ramalho
                              ENGENHARIA CIVIL
                              Nayara Gil
                              TICs na Educação
                              Erika Lopes
                              I wish I..
                              Joao Antonio