faisal works in his garden


Mapa Mental sobre faisal works in his garden, criado por hassan abu juama em 10-09-2017.
hassan abu juama
Mapa Mental por hassan abu juama, atualizado more than 1 year ago
hassan abu juama
Criado por hassan abu juama quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

faisal works in his garden
  1. heart
    1. anatomy
      1. surface anatomy
        1. pericardium
          1. fibrous
            1. serous
              1. visceral
                1. parietal
            2. apex=LV, base=LA=ra
              1. borders, upper 2xA, lower RV=lv, Left LV=L.auricle, right RA
            3. physiology
              1. AP & Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Cardiac Muscle
                1. AP in cardiac M.cell
                  1. travel in T tubules
                    1. +entry of Ca2+ from ECF
                      1. release of Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum
                        1. + cytosolic Ca2+
                          1. troponin-tropomyosin complex in thin filaments pulled aside
                            1. cross-bridge cycling between thick and thin filaments
                              1. thin filaments slide inward between thick filaments
                                1. contraction
                  2. sounds
                    1. S1=M+tri close
                      1. S2=A+P V. close
                        1. S3=rapid inflow in LV
                          1. S4=Atrial con. to non-complaint V.
                  3. murmurs
                    1. Early systolic
                      1. acute+severe MR, septal defect, TriR
                      2. Midsystolic
                        1. Pansystolic
                          1. Diastolic
                          2. aortic stenosis
                          3. dizziness
                            1. vertigo
                              1. spinning
                              2. disequilibrium
                                1. off-balance
                                2. presyncope
                                  1. blacking out
                                  2. lightheadedness
                                    1. disconnected
                                  3. investigations
                                    1. ECG
                                      1. echocardiogram
                                        1. X-ray
                                          1. CT-scan
                                            1. important for AS to see calcification
                                              1. cardiac cath.
                                      2. rheumatic fever
                                        1. JONES
                                          1. treatment
                                          2. valve replacement


                                            Artigo Científico elaboração
                                            Candido Gabriel
                                            verbos irregulares
                                            Biologia e Geologia - Geologia 10º ano, parte I - Ensino Secundário Português
                                            Heres Oliveira
                                            METODOLOGIA E PRÁTICA DE ALFABETIZAÇÃO E LETRAMENTO
                                            Aprenda português brincando
                                            Luís Fernando Olivei
                                            SISTEMA NERVOSO
                                            Luiza Donatelli
                                            Avaliação de Alunos
                                            Alessandra S.
                                            LIGAÇÕES QUIMICAS - flashcard
                                            Lucas Cruz Vieira
                                            120 pegadinhas em lingua portuguesa parte 1
                                            Fabio Lima
                                            DESENVOLVIMENTO EMBRIONÁRIO
                                            Vanessa Palauro