Toxic Water in Canada


9 Geography Mapa Mental sobre Toxic Water in Canada, criado por khadijaraza12 em 23-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por khadijaraza12, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por khadijaraza12 mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Toxic Water in Canada
  1. Thesis: Canada is not distributing it's water source in an efficient manner.
    1. Canada isn't using up its natural water source fairly
      1. Consumption rates are too high, 335L of water a day
        1. Only behind America in water usage, more than double Europe's consumption
        2. Not all of Canada's water is renewable or usable
          1. 60 percent of fresh water drain northward; furthest from where it's needed
          2. Water consumption rates are increasing
            1. Make damages worse and worse, Canada specifically is doing this while other countries (USA) are planning on decreasing their consumption rates
          3. Mining and Extractive Industries in Canada pose a severe threat to the water resources
            1. Fracking is ruining the environment and is occurring because it provides natural gas
              1. Requires very high water use, poses serious threats to ground water and local drinking water
              2. Clean up costs are extremely high
                1. Creating loopholes to avoid paying the price for expensive illegal actions
                2. Lake dumping effects on the water
                  1. negative effects on aquatic lives; 500 times the safety limit for contaminants
                3. The Natives of Canada aren't receiving the same rights when it comes to their water
                  1. Provincial and Federal governments are not doing enough to help out
                    1. They fought over who's responsibility it was to deal with the water issue instead of fixing it first; ultimately saving the health of damaged first nations people
                    2. Face extreme medical issues
                      1. Due to the E.coli levels found in water; skin diseases like scabies and impetigo occured
                      2. There everyday lives had been changed for the worse
                        1. Mining companies are invading their space, resort to outhouses, have to deal with water with toxic tailings


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