What is the importance of the ciclovias?


Mapa Mental sobre What is the importance of the ciclovias?, criado por julia haus em 24-09-2017.
julia haus
Mapa Mental por julia haus, atualizado more than 1 year ago
julia haus
Criado por julia haus aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

What is the importance of the ciclovias?
  1. In my opinion the ciclovias has great importance because It offers a good space for cyclists to walk and exercise during the day and at night.
    1. Is it safe to do exercises at night?
      1. Is necessary have ciclovia more larger?
      2. The importance of the ciclovias is that all people do exercises, walking and cycling, but the people who are walking hinder the people who ride bikes
        1. But is that if they had people walking and people riding a bicycle on the same bike lane would not be dangerous?
          1. why do people who walk prevent people who travel by bicycle?
          2. At our city the ciclovia is not so good, but is better than anything, and the people walk there, so is really bad ride with a bike there.
            1. Why is it bad to ride a bike on the Novo Hamburgo ciclovias?
              1. Why the ciclovia isn’t so good?
                1. Why is not it so good?
                2. The ciclovias for me are very good, as the use of bicycles is seen as a means of urban transportation, these roads speed the urban traffic and stimulate the use of motorcycles as a means of trasportation
                  1. because it stimulates the use of motorcycles?
                  2. The importance of cycling routes is enormous because it is a means of transportation and sport. But when used we must comply with the rules, always with safety to avoid accidents.
                    1. How can they be avoided accidents in bike lanes?
                    2. In my opinion, the ciclovias is important but it must be a safe place for cyclists,dont have risk of the cyclist getting in the way of cars
                      1. But are ciclovias not generating accidents today?


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