British Literature


Superior British Literature Mapa Mental sobre British Literature, criado por lopes-cintia-87 em 05-07-2014.
Mapa Mental por lopes-cintia-87, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lopes-cintia-87 quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

British Literature
  1. Old English Literature
    1. Celts/Britons
      1. Stonehenge
        1. Welsh
          1. Gaelic
      2. Romans 43AD
        1. Empire: 400 years
          1. London and roads
            1. Weakened empire + migration of Germanc tribes
              1. To save Rome leave England - Britons defenseless
        2. Anglo-Saxon 500-1066
          1. not a civilization, but an organized society / fishing and agriculture
            1. Converted to Christianism (just in name)
              1. Church: wrote the AS stories
                1. Vikings destroyed AS stories/monasteries
                  1. Many kingdoms: King+worriors / no unification
                    1. Entertainment: feasts
            2. Beawulf
              1. The struggle against the evil
                1. betrayal of a good man by friends
                  1. Heroic ideal
                    1. superman strength / matchless courage
                      1. Similar to Superman
                        1. The determination to continue to fight survived to our day / speeches of Wiston Churchill
          2. Middle-English Period
            1. Normans 1066-1485
              1. Mounted knight: military force
                1. Unified all England
                  1. Feudalism / castle architecture
                    1. Church
                      1. King
                        1. Nobles
                          1. Knights
                            1. Serfs / Anglo-Saxon
                              1. Germanic tongue
                                1. Songs and Ballads - Robin Hood
                          2. Henry II killed Thomas à Becket and had to kneel
                            1. Becket became a martyr
                            2. French
                              1. Romances - Arthur
                              2. French + Old-English = Middle-English
                                1. East-Midland (London)
                                  1. Prevailed because of Chaucer
                              3. Latim - Official language
                        2. Geoffrey Chaucer 1340-1400
                          1. Fought in 100Yaers' War
                            1. Diplomat
                            2. The Canterbury Tales
                              1. The tale illustrates their characterss
                                1. Spiritual Journey toward eternity
                          2. The Renaissance
                            1. Henry Tudor defeated king Richard III
                              1. Printing press
                                1. books reproduced in larg number
                                  1. + people learn to read an write
                                    1. + literate people - oral tradition
                                2. Reformation
                                  1. Luther: each person could read the Bible
                                    1. Abolish the Catholic hierarchical structure of the Church
                                      1. 1604 - King James ordered to translate the Bible
                                  2. Renaissance / rebirth
                                    1. Greek and Latin Manuscripts
                                      1. The view of the world and the man's place
                                        1. Study: anatomy; astronomy etc..
                                          1. DaVinci, Michaelangelo
                                    2. Columbus and Cabral
                                      1. New wolrd: America
                                      2. Thomas More 1480-1535
                                        1. Utopia (nowhere) imaginary perfect land
                                        2. Henry VIII
                                          1. Divorced the queen to marry Anne Boleyn
                                            1. Confiscated all the Churches property
                                              1. New religion: Anglicanism
                                          2. Symbols of Bible
                                            1. The Garden - Eden
                                              1. Nature idealized
                                                1. Landscape
                                                  1. World of dream
                                              2. The City - Jerusalen
                                                1. Ideal human comunity
                                                  1. deformed modern urban centers
                                                2. Shakespeare 1564-1616
                                                  1. Dramatic climax
                                                    1. Rhythm of the verses
                                                      1. Capable of expressing the strongest emotion and the deepest philosofical Q
                                                        1. knowlege of heart's mysteries
                                                          1. Complex metaphors
                                                    2. Macbeth
                                                      1. Him and his wife murder the king of Scotland
                                                        1. People rebel
                                                          1. Lady Macbeth commits suicide
                                                            1. Macbeth prepare to meet his death
                                                              1. Beneath his evil actions lies a heart that can suffer from the blows of fate
                                                    3. Civil War
                                                      1. Landowners
                                                        1. Aristocrats
                                                          1. Suport the Anglican Church and Monarchy
                                                        2. Merchants
                                                          1. Commoners
                                                            1. wanted representative in Parliament
                                                              1. Puritanism - purify Christianity
                                                                1. Vitory: Execution of the king
                                                                  1. Dictatorship / Commonwealth
                                                      2. Age of Reason
                                                        1. Daniel Dofoe 1660-1731
                                                          1. Businessman / journalist / spy / political
                                                            1. Involved in the Monmouth Rebellion of 1685
                                                              1. Political pamphleteering - "The shortest way with Dissenders" (1703)
                                                            2. Robinson Crusoe - 1719
                                                              1. 1º English Novel
                                                                1. 1º person narrator / verossimilitude
                                                                  1. Inspired by real story
                                                                    1. Shows the life stripped to its basics
                                                                      1. stress the simple values of energy, perseverance, and ingenuity
                                                                        1. Optimistic picture os man alone
                                                              2. Context:
                                                                1. London
                                                                  1. City of activity
                                                                    1. Migration / Hude crowns
                                                                      1. Epidemics
                                                              3. Jonathan Swift 1667-1747
                                                                1. Context:
                                                                  1. Enlightenment
                                                                    1. Logical thouhgts / Natural causes
                                                                      1. Isaax Newton / Harvey / Lavoisier
                                                                        1. Contradiction - Science iIdeals x The way of living
                                                                          1. Satire: Writers question the assumption that man is rational creature
                                                                    2. Literature:
                                                                      1. Logic / Reason
                                                                        1. Everything has its proper place
                                                                          1. Quiet places / ordered gardens
                                                                            1. Made life seems mechanical (Romanticism view)
                                                                    3. Conservative education
                                                                      1. Minister's dacretary / Journalist
                                                                        1. Never criticize institution or an individual
                                                                          1. Focused on religious, political and social issues
                                                                      2. Guliver's Travels -1726
                                                                        1. Imaginary voyages / pure fantasy
                                                                          1. Pessimistic vision
                                                                            1. 1º and 3º voyage: Inferior society
                                                                              1. criticize the costums and politics
                                                                              2. 2º and 4º voyage: superior society
                                                                                1. became conscious of his inferiority


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