19 Short-term memory is limited


Mapa Mental sobre 19 Short-term memory is limited, criado por steven moore em 13-10-2017.
steven moore
Mapa Mental por steven moore, atualizado more than 1 year ago
steven moore
Criado por steven moore aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

19 Short-term memory is limited
  1. Working memory and focused attention
    1. The brain lights up when working memory is active
      1. When a task involves working memory, the prefrontal cortex lightsup.
        1. If a task includes remembering numbers or words there will be activity on the left hemisphere.
          1. If task involves spatial relations then the right hemisphere will also be active
    2. Stress impairs working memory
      1. More working memory equals better performance in school


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