Faisal with fever & respiratory distress


Mapa Mental sobre Faisal with fever & respiratory distress, criado por mahmoud eladl em 28-10-2017.
mahmoud eladl
Mapa Mental por mahmoud eladl, atualizado more than 1 year ago
mahmoud eladl
Criado por mahmoud eladl quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Faisal with fever & respiratory distress
  1. Anatomy of the pleura
    1. he had fever
      1. Causes of Fever
        1. Viral infection
          1. Bacterial infection
            1. Inflammation
              1. Malignancy
                1. Hot weather
                  1. Drugs
                  2. Pathogenesis
                  3. he had Cough
                    1. cough is an explosive expiration that provides a normal protective mechanism for clearing the tracheobronchial tree of secretions and foreign material.
                      1. Causes
                      2. He was diagnosed with
                        1. Pneumonia
                          1. Classification types
                            1. Primary or secondary
                              1. Acute or chronic
                                1. Pathology
                                  1. Lobar
                                    1. interstitial
                                      1. Bronchopneumonia
                                      2. Etiological cause
                                        1. Clinical Setting
                                          1. Clinical presentation
                                            1. Risk factors
                                              1. Old age
                                                1. Asthma
                                                  1. Smoking
                                                    1. COPD
                                                      1. COLD
                                                        1. Alcohol
                                                          1. Immunosupression
                                                          2. Pathophysiology
                                                            1. Investigations
                                                              1. Physical Examinations
                                                                1. Chest X-ray
                                                                  1. Laboratory tests
                                                                    1. Blood tests
                                                                      1. Pleural fluid culture
                                                                        1. Sputum Tests
                                                                          1. PCR
                                                                            1. Urine Tests
                                                                              1. Bronchoscopy
                                                                            2. Prognosis
                                                                              1. Most people improve after 3-5 days of antibiotic treatment
                                                                                1. This mortality is only less than 3% in the outpatient setting, around 5–10% in inpatients not requiring ICU care, as high as 25% in intubated patients, and nearly 50% in ICU patients requiring vasopressors, that’s in a 10 year mortality
                                                                                2. treatment
                                                                                    1. Antibiotic Resistance
                                                                                    2. Complications
                                                                                      1. Vaccination


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