PLCY 783 Mind Map


Nonprofit Mapa Mental sobre PLCY 783 Mind Map, criado por Emily Long em 04-11-2017.
Emily Long
Mapa Mental por Emily Long, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emily Long
Criado por Emily Long mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

PLCY 783 Mind Map
  1. Moral Frameworks
    1. Consequentialism
      1. Utilitarian
        1. Cost-benefit: maximize happiness for the most people
          1. Some people are traded off
          2. Complex calculus


            • underlying assumption that we can calculate the best outcome, but do we have the capacity/energy/knowledge?
        2. Deontological
          1. Kantianism
            1. Human Rights
              1. Capability Approach
                1. Amartya Sen
                2. Capabilities Approach
                  1. Martha Nussbaum
                    1. Creating Capabilities
                3. Consensus Agreements
                  1. Theory of Justice
                    1. John Rawls
                      1. Veil of Ignorance/Original Position


                        • Thought experiment
                        1. How would we order a just/equal/fair society?


                          • -Unaware of status/advantage -Presumably leads to a political/cultural consensus unrelated to status/previous values
                        2. Justice as Fairness
                          1. Justice as equality


                            • -Def.: everyone treated as equal -Fundamental principle of human dignity -Freedom + Equality = Justice -Goal: get everyone to a threshold
                            1. Distribution


                              • Greatest benefits go to the least advantaged first
                            2. Reality: exploiting advantages & pushing others further behind
                            3. Social Contract
                              1. Jean-Jacques Rosseau
                              2. Coherent cultural set of values that people identify with, bridging divides
                              3. Feminist Ethics/Ethics of Care
                                1. Carol Gilligan
                                2. Environmental Ethics
                                  1. Virtue Ethics
                                    1. Aristotle
                                  2. Key People
                                    1. Samuel Huntington
                                      1. "Foreign Aid: For What and For Whom"
                                      2. Jeffrey Sachs
                                        1. "The Case for Aid"
                                        2. Peter SInger
                                          1. "Famine, Affluence, and Morality"
                                          2. Mathieu Ricard
                                            1. Steven Radelet
                                              1. The Great Surge: The Ascent of the Developing World
                                              2. David Hulme
                                                1. Should Rich Nations Help the Poor?
                                                2. Richard Rorty
                                                  1. Henry Schue
                                                  2. Legend
                                                    1. Category
                                                      1. Concept
                                                        1. Definition/Principles
                                                          1. Detail(s)
                                                          2. Person
                                                            1. Work
                                                            2. Challenges


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