What did the Nazi Party stand for in the 1920's & how did Hitler get involved?


History (Germany) Mapa Mental sobre What did the Nazi Party stand for in the 1920's & how did Hitler get involved?, criado por Ashley.C em 28-05-2013.
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What did the Nazi Party stand for in the 1920's & how did Hitler get involved?
  1. In Jan 1919, the German's Worker's Party (DAP) was formed.
    1. Hitler joined in Sept 1919. His talent for public speaking led to his invitation to join the executive committee & was put in charge of propaganda.
      1. In 1920, he played a major role in writing out the party's 25 point programme. This showed early anti-semitism, but also some socialist ideas (not Hitler's).
        1. Later named the National Socialist German Party (Nazi Party).
          1. A Munich newspaper known for its anti-semitic views was used to spread Nazi views & the party's support began to grow.
            1. In 1921 Hitler became party leader & founded the SA ('Stormtroopers' or 'Brownshirts'). Its main task was to protect Nazi meetings & distrupt those of its opponents.
              1. The SA wore Nazi Swastikas.
                1. The military style attracted many unemployed soldiers & the Stormtroopers soon developed a reputation for brutality against Nazi opponents.
                  1. By 1923 the Nazi Party had grown to 35,000 members.
                    1. Hitler was convinced that the Weimar Republic's problems gave him the opportunity to seize power, but his Munich Putsch was unsuccessful & Hitler was imprisoned.
                      1. The failed putsch had an important impact on the Nazi Party: Its leader was jailed & the newspaper & the Party itself was banned in Munich.


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