Undergraduate BMS236 Building Nervous Systems (The cerebellum) Mapa Mental sobre Cerebellar microarchitecture, criado por Kristi Brogden em 08-08-2014.
Cerebellar damage does not cause paralysis, but
makes many movements inaccurate, slow and
uncoordinated (similar to effects of alcohol)
No abnormal tremor at rest but
dramatic intention tremor (inverse
effect to Parkinson‘s disease)
Influential suggestion
Appears that other parts of the brain issue
movement commands; the role of cerebellum
is to ensure they are carried out properly
Brindley (1964) suggested in an abstract that
the purpose of the cerebellum is to learn motor
skills, so that when they have been learned a
simple or incomplete message from the
cerebrum will suffice to provoke their execution.
Related to ideas of
user-friendliness; automaticity;
freeing up cerebral cortex
Cerebellar orginisation
Two parts
Extensive cerebellar cortex
Compact deep nuclei =
cerebellar output stage
Exception: Vestibular
nuclei = output of
(oldest part, appearing in fish)
balance, eye movement
Vestibular input, projects to
lateral vestibular nuclei