The Fault in our Stars


Mapa Mental sobre The Fault in our Stars, criado por 59600 em 11-08-2014.
Mapa Mental por 59600, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Resumo de Recurso

The Fault in our Stars
  1. Characters
    1. Hazel
      1. Cancer sufferer
        1. Has lung cancer
          1. calls herself a grenade
            1. a very positive person
              1. she is an inspiration to everyone
          2. attends a support group, and meets augustus
            1. loves to read 'imperial affliction'
              1. reads it repetitively
            2. Augustus
              1. lost a leg, due to cancer
                1. incurable cancer
                  1. had a metaphor
                    1. to put the killing between your teeth, but dont gove it the power to harm you
                    2. Hazel's boyfriend
              2. Main Idea
                1. Hazel has cancer
                  1. Her mum sends her to support group
                    1. Where she meets Augustus
                      1. Augustus is diagnosed with his cancer again
                        1. He passes away, and hazel is crushed
                    2. Hazel reads a book called An Imperial Affection
                      1. has an unfinished ending
                        1. augustus and hazel fall in love
                          1. augustus has a pre funeral before he died so that hazel could say her eulogy
                        2. Augustus, Hazel and her mum all fly to Amsterdam to meet the author of their favourite book
                          1. Hazel is faced with the cancer for the rest of her life, and has to live with knowing augustus will never come back
                          2. he thoroughly enjoys them
                        3. Language techniques
                          1. Metaphors; Im a grenade. "one day im going to blow up and obliterate everything in my way"
                            1. Similes; "his gait was crooked like his smile"
                              1. Personification " his every syllable flirted
                              2. I think that this book is a very emotional. it has alot of sorrow. I would reccomend this book to all teens


                                FÍSICA GERAL
                                Alessandra S.
                                Guia de Estudos para OAB 1a Fase
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                                English - prepositions (at, in, on)
                                Revisão Para o ENEM em 20 dias
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                                Planejamento de Aulas para Vestibular: 4 Dicas de organização para Professores
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                                Vestibular - Guia de Estudos
                                Alessandra S.
                                Professor Junior
                                ORIGENS DO PENSAMENTO SOCIAL
                                Lucas Villar
                                Contextualização Aula 01 - Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade Ambiental - Medicina
                                Jéssica Meireles