Run Lola Run (Film terms/
Techniques/ Camera Angles & shots)
New South Wales - Higher School Certificate (HSC) English Mapa Mental sobre Run Lola Run (Film terms/
Techniques/ Camera Angles & shots), criado por sabrinacarini em 29-05-2013.
Run Lola Run (Film terms/
Techniques/ Camera Angles & shots)
Camera Angles- Position of the camera in relation to the subject
being shown. The five main angles are: 1. Overhead 2. high Angle 3.
eye level 4. low angle 5. Undershot
Camera Movement- four main camera
movements are: 1. zooming 2. tracking 3.
panning 4. tilting
Camera speed- speed of camera movement to create special
effects enahcing mean e.g slow or fast motion. For example the
use of freeze frames (stopping the film in the middle of the
cinematography- The control and design go the camera
work: the operation of the camera and the control of the
shot and characters
Close-up - when only a part of an object or person is seen
Mise- en-scene- term means "placed in the scene"
and refers to what is put into the frame. When
analysing a film's Mis en scene consider:
Setting/ the set
Actors, body language and
potion in frame
Costumes, make up and
Lighting: coding of colurs
Camera Angle & shot type
Camera Shots/ Angles
Establishing shot- regarded usually for the opening sequence. It's a Long, wide angle
view of an area or open space before the camera goes closer in to establish/ identify
the more specific scene
Eye level shot- Occurs when camera is level with the object
or figure, suggests reality.
High Angle shot- taken when the camera is taken above and
looking down on the scene or object but not directly
Insert shot- A close up of some detail in the scene, emphasising
different aspects of the action,
Long shot- includes the whole human figure and part of the
surrounding environment.
Low Angle shot- when the camera is below or looking up at the object
suggesting power/ dominance
Undershot- Taken when the camera is directly underneath the object or figure
Medium shot- includes half the body and a small part of the background
Overhead angle shot- Achieved when camera is overhead or directly above the object or scene, effects created e.g emphasising vulnerability
Reverse Shot- cutting between two characters e.g. In run lola run where they show the individuals future.
Shot reverse shot- consists of a sequence of three shots. e.g. persons face, what they're looking at and back to the persons face
Sequencing- Series of scenes or shots
unified by a shred action or motif. used in
flashbacks or dream sequences
fade-transition device moving from one
scene or sequence to another. May suggest
a passage of time
washout- optical transmission. Image starts to
bleach until the screen becomes a frame of
white or coloured light
wipe- transitional device occurring when one shot moves across
the screen from left to right or vice versa to wipe away the
preceding shot
dissolve- A gradual transition one scene fades out whilst the
other fades in. used to suggest a special relationship between
diegetic sound- is sound
that the audience and the
characters can hear. e.g
voices of characters, and
music coming from
instruments etc.
non diegetic sound- sound that
the audience can only hear e.g
special sound effects and narrators
Special effects:
Technological additions to the film
to manipulate or alter what has
been filmed.