Dental Hygiene Care Plan


bacalaureat Dental Hygienist Mapa Mental sobre Dental Hygiene Care Plan, criado por Caroline Oxford em 29-05-2013.
Caroline Oxford
Mapa Mental por Caroline Oxford, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Caroline Oxford
Criado por Caroline Oxford mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Dental Hygiene Care Plan
  1. Patients Age
    1. Gender
      1. Lifestyle
        1. Culture
          1. Health beliefs
            1. Knowledge level
    2. Human needs conceptual model
      1. Physiological needs
        1. Safety and security
          1. Love and belonging
            1. Self esteem
              1. Self actulisation
          2. Maslow's hierarchy of needs
          3. Dental Hygiene unmet human needs
            1. Wholesome facial image
              1. Freedom from anxiety and stress
                1. Skin and mucous membrane, head+neck
                  1. Protection from health risks
                    1. Freedom from head and neck pain
                      1. Biologically sound and functional dentition
                        1. Responsibilty for oral health
                          1. Conceptualization and understanding
                            1. Has questions about oral health/care?
                            2. Plaque/calc present, inadequate parental supervision, no dental exam in last 2 years?
                            3. Difficulty swallowing, missing teeth, caries, ill-fitting dentures, abraision/errosion?
                            4. Extra/intraoral pain or sensitivity?
                            5. BP outside normal limits, need for prophylactic antibiotics, potential for injury?
                            6. Extra/inraoral lesion, swelling. Gingival inflamation, BOP, pockets>4mm, attachment loss>1mm, other?
                            7. Reports or displays anxiety about proximity of clinician, confidentiality or previous dental experience
                              1. concerns about infection control, fluoridation, mercury?
                            8. Is Pt unhappy with: Teeth, gingiva, facial profile, breath or any other?
                        2. Talk to patient about care plan
                          1. Plan suitable appointments
                            1. Evaluate


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