Stone Butch Blues: Intersectionality


Mapa Mental sobre Stone Butch Blues: Intersectionality, criado por Ashley Fisher em 16-11-2017.
Ashley Fisher
Mapa Mental por Ashley Fisher, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ashley Fisher
Criado por Ashley Fisher aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Stone Butch Blues: Intersectionality
  1. Biological sex
    1. Male XY
      1. Gender Expression
        1. external appearance of one's gender identity, usually demonstrated through clothing, behavior, hair style, voice, etc, which may or may not conform to socially constructed standards of masculinity/ femininity
        2. Gender Identity
          1. concept of ones self as male, female, both, or neither; can be different from assigned sex
          2. Female XX
          3. Social Class
            1. Lower
              1. Middle
              2. Sexuality Orientation:
                1. Lesbian
                  1. Femme
                    1. Butch
                    2. an emotional , romantic, and/or sexual attraction to others
                    3. Race
                      1. Black
                        1. White
                        2. Jess
                          1. Sexual orientation
                            1. Lesbian
                            2. Race
                              1. White
                              2. Social Class
                                1. Lower/Middle
                                  1. Worked mostly in factories
                                2. Biological Sex
                                  1. Female
                                    1. Gender Identity
                                      1. Female
                                        1. Expresses herself as Butch
                                        2. Trans FTM
                                          1. Momentarily passes as male


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