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B5 U19 - Getting care right
Other K101 (Block 3) Mapa Mental sobre B5 U19 - Getting care right, criado por Ashleigh Fox em 29-05-2013.
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block 3
block 3
Mapa Mental por
Ashleigh Fox
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Ashleigh Fox
quase 12 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
B5 U19 - Getting care right
Working with protocols and guidelines
Guidelines and protocols tell you what to do in a particular set of circumstances
They come from many different sources. They can come from professional organisations
Lawton and Parker
Benefits *protect management *risk management * protect against litigation *keeps insurers happy
Effects on staff * enable under trained staff to be used *extends nursing roles *train new and junior staff *team work *older workers kept up to date
Improvements on care *defines best practice *standardises practice and behaviour *defines correct practice
Evidence-based care
Based on research that works
SU can have confidence
Workers are up-to-date
Problems of not based on evidence
Unnecessary interventions
Wasting resources
Care is not suitable
Using the internet
Protocols and guidelines
Research evidence
There are people who do not have computer or access to the internet
Being accountable
General Social Care Council
Marie is accountable for herself to get appropriate authority, making sure she has relevant training and maintaining her training
Joan (SCO) is responsible for delegating work and making sure standard of practice is lawful and safe.
Explicit statements about responsibilties
Procedures to make performance or outcomes visible
Penalties for poor performance (rewards for excellent performance)
Official mechanisms for examining performance
Processes for investigating when things go wrong
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