Warfare through time 1250-1500


Mind Map on Warfare through time 1250-1500, created by Toby Gosden on 04/01/2018.
Toby Gosden
Mapa Mental por Toby Gosden, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Toby Gosden
Criado por Toby Gosden quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Warfare through time 1250-1500
  1. Weapons
    1. Lances
      1. Sword
        1. Spears
          1. Crossbows
            1. Longbows
            2. Recruitment and training
              1. Feudal system
                1. Landowners give men to serve
                  1. 40 days
                    1. Broke down when disagreements on demand
                  2. Mercenaries
                    1. Paid soldiers
                      1. Army increased so paying soldiers became main method
                      2. Assize of arms
                        1. The wealthy had to provide more ie horses/weapons
                          1. As feudal system stopped every man had to bring bow, arrows, sword dagger
                            1. Men selected fought for 40 days
                          2. Tactics
                            1. Increased use of longbows
                              1. Decline of the mounted knights
                                1. Increase size of army
                                2. Composition of the army
                                  1. Cavalry (knights)
                                    1. Infantry -spear men -crossbow -hand to hand combat
                                      1. 9000 -26000 men
                                      2. Battle of Falkirk
                                        1. Recruitment and training
                                          1. Weapons
                                            1. Swords
                                              1. Daggers
                                                1. Longbows
                                                  1. Crossbows
                                                  2. Tactics
                                                    1. Scottish used shiltrons but failed
                                                      1. Choice of position didn’t protect flanks
                                                      2. Use of longbows
                                                      3. Composition of the army
                                                        1. 2000 Calvary, 500 crossbow, 12,000 infantry
                                                        2. Civilians
                                                          1. Military burnt down, looted and destroyed towns
                                                            1. Suffered violence, loss of homes, crops and livestock
                                                        3. Battle of Agincourt
                                                          1. Recruitment and training
                                                            1. All English sign indentures (contract)
                                                              1. King promised payment, then jewels, never paid
                                                              2. Tactics
                                                                1. English longbow attack
                                                                  1. French dismounted attack (struggled because of terrain)
                                                                  2. Weapons
                                                                    1. Cannons
                                                                      1. Longbow men
                                                                        1. Swords
                                                                          1. Daggers
                                                                          2. Composition of the army
                                                                            1. Dominated by longbow men
                                                                              1. English outnumbered 6-1
                                                                              2. Narrow battlefield
                                                                                1. Civilians
                                                                                  1. Ordered men to not loot beyond need


                                                                                The Battle of Falkirk (1298)
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