Warfare through time 1500-1750


Mind Map on Warfare through time 1500-1750, created by Toby Gosden on 04/01/2018.
Toby Gosden
Mapa Mental por Toby Gosden, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Toby Gosden
Criado por Toby Gosden mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Warfare through time 1500-1750
  1. Weapons
    1. Cannon
      1. Musket
        1. Pikes
          1. Swords
            1. Pistols
            2. Tactics
              1. See battle notes above
              2. Composition of army
                1. Pikemen
                  1. Cavalry
                    1. Infantry
                      1. 200,000 armed men
                      2. Recruitment and training
                        1. New model army
                          1. National army, pay soldiers regularly and give successful soldiers command instead of politicians
                            1. Pressed (forced)
                          2. Battle of Naseby
                            1. Recruitment and training
                              1. New model army regularly trained
                                1. Trained hands
                                  1. New model army
                                  2. Composition
                                    1. Limited in size 2:1 infantry to cavalry
                                    2. Weapons
                                      1. Matchlock musket (some flintlock)
                                        1. Pikes
                                          1. Artillery
                                            1. Bayonets
                                            2. Tactics
                                              1. Push of pike
                                                1. Pike square
                                                2. Dutch countermarch
                                                  1. Cromwell cavalry charge proved decisive
                                                    1. Artillery used but ineffective
                                                      1. Swedish Salvo
                                                        1. 3 lines shoot and reload
                                                      2. Impact on civilians
                                                        1. Raids
                                                          1. Damage
                                                            1. Free quarter (troops rest with civilians)
                                                              1. Taxes
                                                                1. Requisition (demand for supplies)
                                                              2. Impact of war on civilians


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