Real GDP per capita to measure SOL


Mapa Mental sobre Real GDP per capita to measure SOL, criado por 17Y6C32 KOH HUI WEN em 11-01-2018.
Mapa Mental por 17Y6C32 KOH HUI WEN, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por 17Y6C32 KOH HUI WEN quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Real GDP per capita to measure SOL
  1. Thesis
    1. ↑ Real GDP per capita, ↑ Y, ↑ PP
      1. ↑ cons of G&S, ↑ mat SOL
        1. ↑ cons of HC, Edu, etc, ↑ non-mat SOL
        2. factors in...
          1. Inflation
            1. Remove effects of Px changes
              1. ↑ Real GDP per capita, amt of o/p & PP is ↑ing
            2. Pop size
              1. shows avg Y
                1. c/f b/w countries
                  1. eg:
              2. Demographic changes
                1. shows changes in avg Y
                  1. c/f b/w past & present
                    1. eg:
            3. Anti Thesis
              1. does not factor in...
                1. Non-mat aspects
                  1. eg: Pollution levels, Leisure time
                    1. ↑ Real GDP per capita due to ↑ EG
                      1. EG may be due to longer working hrs/ create pollution
                        1. ↓ health / ↑ stress
                          1. ↓ non-mat SOL
                  2. Y inequality
                    1. eg: Y very unevenly distributed
                      1. Even with ↑ real GDP per capita
                        1. Majority not experiencing ↑ real Y & mat SOL
                    2. Differences in costs of living
                      1. eg:
                          1. SG's real GDP per capita > that of China
                            1. But costs of living in China < that of SG
                              1. Need PPP e/r
                      2. Composition of o/p
                        1. Military vs K vs consumer gds
                          1. Production ≠ Consumption
                            1. ↑ Real GDP per capita due to gov military expenditure
                              1. ↑ Real GDP per capita due to prod of K gds
                                1. Current mat SOL may not ↑
                          2. Unrecorded o/p
                            1. Non-marketed DIY activities
                              1. eg: Subsistence farming
                                1. No mkt Px & qty, estimating mkt values v difficult
                              2. Underground economy
                                1. Illegal activities
                                  1. eg: Drug trafficking, Prostitution
                                  2. Legal activities
                                    1. Mostly 'moonlighting' activities
                                      1. Not declared to avoid taxes
                                2. G&S produced OUTSIDE cty from resources belonging to RESIDENTS
                                  1. Dom firms earning Y from DIA
                                    1. Avg Y actually higher
                                  2. G&S produced INSIDE cty from resources belonging to FOREIGNERS
                                    1. Y outflows from FDI
                                      1. Avg Y actually lower
                                        1. Need real GNP per capita


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