Marriage in The Great Gatsby and pre-1900 poetry (UNFINISHED)


A comparison of the theme of marriage in both The Great Gatsby and poetry from the AQA English Literature A Anthology: Love poetry through the ages, pre-1900
Daisy Lovick
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Marriage in The Great Gatsby and pre-1900 poetry (UNFINISHED)
  1. The Great Gatsby
    1. Marriage as a symbol of wealth
      1. Nick is "too poor" to be engaged
        1. Marriage is only for the rich/those who have made their fortune
          1. ironic - Nick comes from a "well-to-do" family
          2. Tom claims Gatsby "would have to steal the ring he put on her [Daisy's] finger"
            1. making reference to Gatsby's wealth being corrupt
              1. if you aren't born with money, you must have made it dishonestly
                1. Lack of morals in America at time
            2. Gatsby claims Daisy "only married [Tom] because I [Gatsby] was poor"
              1. Wealth was the barrier to their mariage
            3. Marriage has lost its meaning in the 20s
              1. Affairs are common
                1. "the world and his mistress"
                  1. Contrasted to "church bells"
                    1. Marriage is valued less than affairs
                      1. Like Garden of Love
                    2. Still vaguely frowned on, especially for women
                      1. "she might have the decenct not to telephone him at inner time"
                2. Poetry
                  1. The Garden of Love (William Blake)
                    1. Marriage has restricted the speaker
                      1. "the gates of the chapel are shut
                        1. Physical barrier to represent figurative one
                    2. Sonnet 113


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