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1.5 Network Topologies, Protocols and Layers
Mapa Mental sobre 1.5 Network Topologies, Protocols and Layers, criado por शॉन Bainton em 12-02-2018.
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Mapa Mental por
शॉन Bainton
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
शॉन Bainton
quase 7 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
1.5 Network Topologies, Protocols and Layers
reasons why you may have chosen to use a Star network topology
• They are very reliable
• If one connection fails it does not affect the rest of the network
• It is relatively easy to add additional devices onto the network
• It is relatively fast as each device has its own connection to the switch / server.
• There are few data collisions
disadvantages of using a Star network topology instead of a Mesh network topology
• There is a high level of dependence on one single, central device.
• If the central device fails the whole network will fail.
• The use of a switch or router could increase the cost of the whole network.
• The performance of the network will be dependent upon the specification of the central device / switch.
• The number of additional devices that can be added to the network could be restricted by the central device / switch.
A set of rules that govern how devices communicate
protocol that is used to transmit data between different networks
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. TCP/IP
Post office protocol.
HTTP transmits data over the internet in a unsecure format whereas HTTPS uses encryption so that any data that is intercepted is meaningless
Data is transmitted across a network in packets. Three items that each data packet will contain
Network address source
Network address destination
Packet number / sequence
Used by web browsers to communicate with web servers.
Used to retrieve emails
Used to send emails
Protocols are divided into layers. Why are layers used
Network communication components are standardised which helps to ensure that different types of hardware and software are able to communicate.
Through separating the overall network communication processes it makes troubleshooting easier should an error occur
• To ensure that if changes are made in one layer they do not affect any other layers
Through dividing overall network communication into smaller, individual components it makes the software development process more straightforward.
Packet switching is used to send data on the internet
The difference between an IP address and a MAC address
A MAC address is permanently assigned to a device on the network whereas an IP address may change when the device joins a different network.
Devices may have either a static or dynamic IP address
A static IP address never changes, whereas a dynamic IP address may change when you log on to a network or change networks.
File Transfer Protocol.
Post Office Protocol version 3
To retrieve emails, only award the mark for retrieve (or similar). The protocol cannot be used to send emails
steps of sending a packet
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