Shogunate Japan


7 History Mapa Mental sobre Shogunate Japan, criado por IndyH :D em 02-09-2014.
IndyH :D
Mapa Mental por IndyH :D, atualizado more than 1 year ago
IndyH :D
Criado por IndyH :D mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Shogunate Japan
  1. The Four Periods
    1. Jomon
      1. 710- 794 AD
      2. Nara
        1. 10000 BC
        2. Heian
          1. 794- 1184
          2. Shogunate
            1. 1185- 1868
          3. Shogunates
            1. Kamakura: 1185- 1333 AD
              1. Muromachi: 1366- 1538 AD
                1. Tokugawa: 1600- 1868AD
                2. Hierarchy of power
                  1. Peasants
                    1. Grew food for the society
                      1. Paid taxes to daimyo
                      2. Daimyo
                        1. Noble families
                          1. Owned land (shoen) and taxed people on the land
                          2. about 260
                          3. Samurai
                            1. warriors who were employed by the daimyo
                              1. Helped control his land- paid in rice
                                1. allowed to carry weapons
                                2. Artisans
                                  1. Crafted non-essential things
                                    1. not highly regarded
                                  2. Merchants
                                    1. Lowest
                                      1. could be wealthy but were not respected
                                      2. confucianism
                                      3. Belief systems
                                        1. Shinto
                                          1. Based on animism
                                            1. spirits: kami
                                              1. when you die you enter the spirit world
                                                1. closely linked to nature
                                                  1. shrines put in natural places
                                                  2. Buddhism
                                                    1. meditation + dicipline
                                                      1. human behaviour= act of art
                                                        1. respect others
                                                          1. Four noble truths
                                                          2. Confucianism
                                                          3. Art and Culture
                                                            1. wood block printing
                                                              1. calligraphy
                                                                1. dogu figures
                                                                  1. pottery
                                                                    1. painting
                                                                      1. Poetry
                                                                        1. origami
                                                                        2. Tokugawa Shogunate
                                                                          1. Peasants could not own weapns
                                                                            1. Daimyo had restricted number of samurai
                                                                              1. Samurai forced to take up gov. positions
                                                                                1. No contact with outside world
                                                                                  1. Could not ascend the social ladder
                                                                                    1. Emperor had no power
                                                                                      1. The third Shogunate that emerged from the Warring states period
                                                                                        1. Won the battle at Sekigahara in 1600
                                                                                          1. Proclaimed Shogun in 1603
                                                                                            1. Ruled from Edo (modern day Tokyo)

                                                                                            Anexos de mídia


                                                                                            12.4: Emergence of Japan and Feudal Age
                                                                                            Katie Harmeyer
                                                                                            Medieval Castles
                                                                                            Sarah Egan
                                                                                            The Crusades
                                                                                            Ch. 3 India and Hinduism & Buddhism
                                                                                            Medieval Art and Architecture
                                                                                            AP World History Chapter 7
                                                                                            The Normans
                                                                                            Shane Buckley
                                                                                            Chapter 12 Sec. 2 (The Mongol & Ming Empires)