Cells cycle


A-Levels Biology Mapa Mental sobre Cells cycle, criado por charelle12 em 09-06-2013.
Mapa Mental por charelle12, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por charelle12 mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Cells cycle
  1. G1-new proteins and organelles formed
    1. S phase- DNA replicated and chromatin doubles
      1. G2- RNA and proteins sysnthesised
        1. MITOSIS
          1. Prophase
            1. nucleolus breaks down, nucleus breaks down, chromatids condense, centrioles migrate to opposite poles
              1. Metaphase
                1. spindle fibres form, chromosomes line up at the equator, microtubles of spindle attach to centromeres
                  1. Anaphase
                    1. centromeres divide, spindle fibres move chromatids to opposite poles
                      1. Telophase
                        1. chromosomes reach opposite poles, nuclear envelope forms around each
                          1. Cytokinesis
                            1. Animal cell: cleavage furrow forms, furrow deepens and when membrane fuses, cell is cleaved in 2
                              1. Plant cell: golgi bodies produce vesicles that collect and form an equatorial cell plate
                      2. MEIOSIS
                        1. Prophase I
                          1. chromosomes condense (evident homologous are paired-bivalent). coromatids appear, chromatids break at chiasmata and rjoin with another chromatid CROSSING OVER
                            1. Metaphase I
                              1. bivalents move to equator randomly, chromosome pairs attach to spindle fibres by centromere INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT
                                1. Anaphase I
                                  1. chromosomes move towards poles
                                    1. Telophase I
                                      1. chromosomes reach poles, nuclear membrane forms ( nucleus has haploid chromosomes)
                                        1. Prophase II
                                          1. New spindle fibres form at right angles to old
                                            1. Metaphase II
                                              1. chromosomes line up along equator
                                                1. Anaphase II
                                                  1. chromatids split at centromere and pull to opposite poles
                                                    1. Telophase II
                                                      1. nuclear envelope forms


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