
Mapa Mental sobre TITANIC, criado por Juan José Pérez Franco em 15-03-2018.
Juan José Pérez Franco
Mapa Mental por Juan José Pérez Franco, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Juan José Pérez Franco
Criado por Juan José Pérez Franco aproximadamente 7 anos atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

  1. What was its about
    1. The movie is a real life story, about a ship in the ocean Atlantic that collides with an iceberg, causing it to sink. This happened on April 14 to 15 in 1912
      1. After the crash a few were left in shipwreck waiting for a rescue, but many died of hipotermia.
        1. Probable causes
          1. the cause is not known exactly but it is believed that there could be two causes
            1. It´s believed that was a fire on the ship, damaging several systems
              1. It´s believed that was not enough fuel on the ship to continue the journey, so they took a shortcut
      2. Director: James Cameron
        1. The main actors
          1. Leonardo DiCaprio
            1. Kate Winslet
              1. Billy Zane
                1. Bill Paxton

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