21st Century Skills in HIgher Education


ezzat iskandar
Mapa Mental por ezzat iskandar, atualizado more than 1 year ago
ezzat iskandar
Criado por ezzat iskandar mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

21st Century Skills in HIgher Education
  1. LIteracies
    1. literacy
      1. information literacy
        1. identify
          1. information needs and determine the extent of information needed
          2. locate and retrive
            1. to ujnderstand the structure of information
            2. evaluate in formation
              1. understand different types of sourceand formats
              2. present
                1. determine the audience needand the best presentation formats
                2. translate
                  1. abbilioties and conceptto new project and discipline
                3. media literacy
                  1. develop critical technology thinking skills
                    1. understand how media message
                      1. identify target marketing strategies
                      2. technology literacy
                      3. Media
                        1. digital
                          1. leaning skill
                            1. communication and collaboration
                              1. ICT literacy


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