God Cares


Activities in the arts that can teach children about how God cares
Tiff B
Mapa Mental por Tiff B, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Tiff B
Criado por Tiff B quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

God Cares
  1. drawing
    1. painting
        1. setting/prop for drama
        2. collage
          1. clay
            1. create individual art response to bible story
              1. sculpture
                  1. reflection activity create something that represents how God cares
                  2. environmental art
                    1. installation
                      1. setting/prop for drama
                      2. sound
                          1. play instruments to songs
                          2. dance
                              1. music
                                  1. movement
                                    1. Listen to a song about how God cares, and children create actions and dance movements
                                      1. free choice dance and movement
                                      2. drama
                                        1. storytelling
                                          1. link together to act out a bible story
                                          2. bible stories
                                            1. Daniel & the lions den
                                              1. the fiery furnace (Daniel)
                                                1. plagues in Egypt
                                                  1. God looks after the plants and birds
                                                    1. creation
                                                      1. Jesus washes the disciples feet
                                                        1. easter
                                                          1. Christmas
                                                            1. Psalms
                                                              1. Jesus meets zacchaeus
                                                                1. Woman at the well


                                                                ART AND ARCHITECTURE OF INDIA Images
                                                                Alice Gorodetsky
                                                                Marina Abramovic notes
                                                                Sarah Egan
                                                                Key Paintings
                                                                Julia Lee
                                                                Camera Angles
                                                                7 Elements of Good Design
                                                                Micheal Heffernan
                                                                Exam 1- Renaissance
                                                                Rachel Masingill
                                                                Art and Artists of the Renaissance
                                                                Joey Fenick
                                                                Exam 2- High Renaissance/Baroque
                                                                Rachel Masingill
                                                                The Art of Cubism
                                                                Renaissance Art in Italy (pt.1)
                                                                Philosophy of Art