Mood Board


Mapa Mental sobre Mood Board, criado por Skye Fitzmaurice em 03-05-2018.
Skye Fitzmaurice
Mapa Mental por Skye Fitzmaurice, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Skye Fitzmaurice
Criado por Skye Fitzmaurice mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Mood Board
  1. BRIEF
    1. Brief 3, Magazine and online
      1. Products i am required to make are 2 magazine front covers and contents page, and a website with a linking page
          1. - 2 main pages and 2 contents page -At least 4 different main images with original photography - different material for the contents pages
            1. EDITING OF MAGAZINE
              1. photos, text, graphics, typography, layout
                1. text should include: masthead, main coverline, selling line, headlines, captions, subtitles and copy.
                  1. A different setting for each magazine cover
                    1. This could be the same location with a significantly different use of staging, mise-en-scene or lighting
                    2. At least 2 models representing 2 different social groups.
                    3. PRODUCTION OF WEBSITE
                      1. a minimum of 2 original images
                        1. with at least one different original image on each of the two pages) that promotes and reinforces the brand identity of the magazine (e.g. use of models, locations and clothing to create a strong sense of style.
                        2. - original title -logo for the magazine and menu bar - text introducing the main features of the online website
                          1. working links from home page to another
                            1. Original audio or audio-visual content appropriate to the online website.
                              1. minimum of one homepage and one linked page
                          2. TARGET AUDIENCE
                            1. Culturally sophisticated 16-25 class AB demographic
                              1. Female, Uni students and working young people.
                                1. classy outfits, and focused around women's fashion.
                            2. IDEAS
                              1. FRONT COVERS
                                1. Images: Midshots
                                  1. Text: pt serif
                                    1. Layout: one magazine with the headline along the bottom and one with your headline along the side
                                      1. one to have a black and white theme (text to be black, background to be white) the other front cover to have a contrast between the two.
                                    2. CONTENTS PAGES
                                      1. one to have 2 central images one at the top left one on the bottom right.
                                      2. WEBSITE
                                        1. a top bar with the option of a pull out bar to go in more detailed categories.


                                      Classificação das Constituições
                                      Recrutamento e seleção de pessoas
                                      MAPA MENTAL - METODOLOGIA DO ENSINO SUPERIOR
                                      Doenças Cardiovasculares
                                      CAv - controle de avarias
                                      willian reis
                                      Peter Ensi
                                      Noções Gerais de Direito Tributário
                                      Fernando Monteiro
                                      Aprenda português brincando
                                      Luís Fernando Olivei
                                      IELTS Speaking BAND 7+
                                      Caio Uechi
                                      Planejamento e Controle da Produção
                                      Luciana Amaral Pereira Freire
                                      SIMULADÃO EA-HSG NODAM
                                      Marcele Campello