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Chapter 11: Accelerating Global Change and Realignments, c. 1900 to Present
10th grade World History Mapa Mental sobre Chapter 11: Accelerating Global Change and Realignments, c. 1900 to Present, criado por Ethan Kang em 13-05-2018.
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world history
10th grade
Mapa Mental por
Ethan Kang
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Ethan Kang
quase 7 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Chapter 11: Accelerating Global Change and Realignments, c. 1900 to Present
World War I
Shifting Alliances
Triple Alliances negotiated by Otto von Bismarck
Triple Entente
Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated by Gavrilo Princip in 1914
"dominoes" alliances
Central Powers
Ottoman Empire
Allied Powers
40+ countries
US maintained neutrality
Germans sunk the Lusitania
Zimmermann telegram
8.5 million soldiers
20 million civilians
governments took over
instituting price controls
rationing of products
men moved into factories to fill empty positions
League of Nations
President Wilson's Fourteen Points
establishing future peace
workable balance of power
did not agree, therefore US did not sign
Treaty of Versaille
forced Germany to
pay war reparations
release territory
downsize its military
Russian Revolution
1905, protesters encouraged Nicholas II to enact Enlightened reforms, but he felt threatened and fired on the protesters
attempt to enact legislation through
appointment of a Prime Minister
creating the Duma, representative of the Russian people
Russian Revolution
Czar Nicholas forced to abdicate his throne due to rising casualties and food shortages in WWI
Alexander Kerensky
established an ineffective provisional government
misinterpreted working class opinions of the war
1918, Bolsheviks
Vladimir Lenin
April Theses
demanded peace
land for peasants
power to the soviets
took command of the government within six months
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
ceded a huge piece of western Russia to Germany, so Russia dropped out of WWI
Soviet Union
faced nonstop skirmishes between 1918 and 1921
Bolsheviks created the Red Army
under command of Leon Trotsky
Ottoman Empire
joined losing Central Powers of World War I
lost remaining land
ripe for attack from the Greeks, who picked up arms in 1919
Mustafa Kemal, also known as Ataturk
led successful military campaigns against the Greeks
overthrew the Ottoman sultan
became the first president of modern Turkey
secularized the overwhelmingly Muslim nation
changed alphabet from Arabic to Latin
set up a parliamentary system
changed the legal code from islamic to Western
set Turkey on a path toward Europe as opposed to the Middle East
World War II
The Soviet Union
New Economic Policy (NEP)
some capitalistic aspects
allowed farmers to sell portions of their grain for their own profit
leadership shifted to Joseph Stalin
discarded as Stalin believed it was ridiculously slow
Five Year Plans
expedient agricultural production by ruthlessly taking over private farms and combining them into state-owned enterprises
industrialized the USSSR
improved economic conditions
relied on terror tactics
"Great Purge"
government systematically killed so many of its enemies
suffered under Treaty of Versailles
American I.O.U.s
Weimar Republic
fairly conservative democratic republic, rejected socialist or communist systems
increasingly rejected by the German people
National Socialist Party (Nazis) rose to power in the 1920s
Adolf Hitler
social Darwinism
Aryan race was most highly evolved race
became chancellor in 1933
seized control of the government, known under his fascist rule as the Third Reich
began rebuilding German military in 1933
took back the Rhineland in 1935
formed alliance with Japan in 1937
annexed Austria and moved to reclaim the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia in 1938
Munich Conference of 1938
gave the Sudetenland to Hitler in return for the promise to cease his expansionist activities
invaded remaining territories in Czechoslovakia in 1939
Britain and France signed a non-aggression pact with Greece, Turkey, Romania, and Poland
Germans signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact
agreement that Germany would not invade the Soviet Union if the Soviets stayed out of Germany's military affairs
determined how Eastern Europe would be divided among them
German forces marched into Poland
declaration of war by Allied forces, beginning of WWII
The Great Depression
The United States
33% unemployment
Franklin Roosevelt
Benito Mussolini
National Fascist Party in 1919
paid Blackshirts to fight socialist and communist organizations
demanded King Victor Emmanuel III name him to cabinet posts
faced little opposition to his consolidation of political power
transformed Italy into a totalitarian fascist regime in 1926
General Francisco Franco
installed dictatorship in Spain, stayed neutral
invaded Manchuria, renaming it Manchukuo and establishing a colony
signed the Anti-Comintern Pact with Germany
Invasion of China
"Rape of Nanjing"
used by Germans, destroyed everything in its path with historically unprecedented speed
Winston Churchill
refused to cut a deal with Germany
Battle of Britain
Tripartite Pact
bombed Pearl Harbor
U.S. joined war
Manhattan Project
President Truman ordered dropping of atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagaski
Japan surrendered
end of WWII
joint Allied offensive
eventually resulted in liberation of France
defended Stalingrad
Hitler committed suicide
Peace Settlement
Marshall Plan
billions of dollars of American money was made available for reconstruction offered to all European countries
increased employment and education
International Organizations
United Nations
mediate and intervene in international disputes between nations, but expanded to human rights and other social problems
Cold War
United States and Soviet Union
Cold War
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