¿How bones help to maintain homeostasis?


this is a work for the school
Carlos Cardona
Mapa Mental por Carlos Cardona, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Carlos Cardona
Criado por Carlos Cardona mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

¿How bones help to maintain homeostasis?
  1. Homeostasis
    1. Homeostasis is the way your body regulates itself to keep things constant throughout different changing variables
      1. mineral homeostasis
        1. blood cell homeostasis
          1. temperature homeostasis
            1. ¿How bones help with homeostasis?
              1. Bones help to maintain the homeostasis
                1. Bone marrow
                  1. Bone marrow creates red blood cells as the old red blood cells die off
                    1. Red cells are very important to the human body, because they carry oxygen to the body's tissue, and they also carry carbon dioxide out to the lungs where it is eliminated
              2. Cancer in this system
                1. New red blood cells will not be produced to replace the old, dead ones. Also the calcium will not be as well controlled.
                2. Bones and skeletal system
                  1. The skeletal systemus the unity of all the bones that a human have
                    1. It is composed by 206 bones


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