
Mind Map on ENDOCRINE SYSTEM, created by Matthew Coddington on 24/05/2018.
Matthew Coddington
Mapa Mental por Matthew Coddington, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Matthew Coddington
Criado por Matthew Coddington aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. has two primary
      1. released by
        1. GLANDS
          1. PITUITARY GLAND
            1. located at
              1. base of brain
                1. attached to the
                  1. hypothalamus
              2. which
                1. stores and produces hormones
                2. composed of
                  1. two separate lobes
                    1. posterior lobe
                      1. produces
                        1. antidiuretic hormone
                          1. which
                            1. regulates body water
                          2. oxytocin
                            1. which initiates
                              1. strong uterine contractions during labour
                        2. anterior lobe
                          1. releases
                            1. thyroid stimulating hormone
                              1. as well as
                                1. adrenocorticotropic
                                  1. stimulates
                                    1. adrenal cortex
                          2. regulated by
                            1. hypothalamus
                              1. relaxing factors are
                                1. dopamine
                                  1. which
                                    1. inhibits secretion of prolactin
                                      1. stimulates
                                        1. milk production
                                  2. somatostatin
                                    1. which
                                      1. inhibits secretion of somatotropin
                                        1. stimulates
                                          1. growth of the long bones
                        3. THYROID GLAND
                          1. located
                            1. front of neck, in front of trachea
                            2. contains
                              1. four parathyroid glands within
                                1. produce
                                  1. parathyroid hormone
                                    1. which
                                      1. increase calcium levels in blood and lower phosphate levels
                              2. produces
                                1. thyroxin and triiofothyronine
                                  1. which
                                    1. increase metabolism and limit growth
                                      1. require iodine present in thyroid for production
                                2. ADRENAL GLAND
                                  1. located above
                                    1. kidneys
                                    2. composed of
                                      1. adrenal medulla
                                        1. and the
                                          1. adrenal cortex
                                            1. produces
                                              1. glucorticoids
                                                1. which affects
                                                  1. blood glucose levels
                                                  2. such as
                                                    1. cortisol
                                                  3. mineralcorticoids
                                                    1. which
                                                      1. water balance
                                                      2. such as
                                                        1. aldosterone
                                                      3. sex hormones
                                                  4. produces
                                                    1. epinephrine and noepinephrin
                                                      1. creates our
                                                        1. fight or flight response
                                              2. PANCREAS
                                                1. located
                                                  1. in abdomen
                                                  2. hormone producing cells of pancreas are located in
                                                    1. islets of Langerhans
                                                      1. produce
                                                        1. insulin
                                                          1. produced by
                                                            1. beta cells
                                                            2. released when
                                                              1. blood sugar rises
                                                              2. causes
                                                                1. cells of muscles, liver and organs to become permeable to glucose
                                                                  1. liver to convert glucose to glycogen
                                                                    1. which
                                                                      1. primary storage of glucose
                                                                        1. lowers blood sugar
                                                                  2. glucagon
                                                                    1. produced by
                                                                      1. alpha cells
                                                                      2. released when
                                                                        1. blood sugar is low
                                                                        2. promotes
                                                                          1. conversion of glycogen to glucose
                                                                            1. which
                                                                              1. raises blood sugar
                                                            3. one being
                                                              1. STEROID HORMONES
                                                                1. made from
                                                                  1. cholesterol
                                                                    1. examples are
                                                                      1. sex hormones and cortisol
                                                                        1. which
                                                                  2. are
                                                                    1. fat soluble
                                                                      1. therefore
                                                                        1. diffuse from capilaries
                                                                          1. into
                                                                            1. target cells
                                                                              1. which activate
                                                                                1. specific protein synthesis
                                                                  3. the other being
                                                                    1. PROTEIN HORMONES
                                                                      1. are
                                                                        1. water soluble
                                                                          1. therefore
                                                                            1. combine with receptor sites of cell membranes
                                                                              1. causes
                                                                                1. adenylyl cyclase sythesis
                                                                                  1. which
                                                                                    1. converts ATP to cyclic AMP
                                                                                      1. which
                                                                                        1. activates enzymes
                                                                        2. made from
                                                                          1. chains of amino acids
                                                                            1. examples are
                                                                              1. growth hormones and insulin
                                                                                1. which
                                                                    2. provide control of
                                                                      1. organs and tissues
                                                                  4. diagram
                                                                    1. DISEASES
                                                                      1. diabetes
                                                                        1. insufficient production of insulin
                                                                        2. hyperthyroidism
                                                                          1. overproduction of thyroxine can cause weight loss and high blood pressure.
                                                                          2. hypothyroidism
                                                                            1. lack of thyroid causes myxedema
                                                                              1. dry skin, weight gain, edema
                                                                            2. goiter
                                                                              1. Inadequate iodine in thyroid causes enlargement of thyroid gland
                                                                              2. dwarfism
                                                                                1. low secretion of somatotropin during childhood can cause dwarfism


                                                                              Biopsychology 5
                                                                              Ma R
                                                                              The Nervous System (NS) & The Endocrine System (ES)
                                                                              Jackson Maleary
                                                                              Interpretação de Texto
                                                                              Renata Luana
                                                                              FUNÇÕES DA CRIMINOLOGIA.
                                                                              Simulado de física
                                                                              Alessandra S.
                                                                              Guia de Estudos do ENEM 2014
                                                                              Alessandra S.
                                                                              Níveis de organização dos seres vivos
                                                                              GoConqr suporte .
                                                                              Direito Previdenciário INSS 2015
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                                                                              EMILE DURKHEIM
                                                                              Débora C. Nascimento