Imagine a strange world in nineteenth century Britain with submarines that can penetrate the darkest


Mapa Mental sobre Imagine a strange world in nineteenth century Britain with submarines that can penetrate the darkest, criado por Aleksander Koloda em 02-10-2014.
Aleksander Koloda
Mapa Mental por Aleksander Koloda, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Aleksander Koloda
Criado por Aleksander Koloda aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Imagine a strange world in nineteenth century Britain with submarines that can penetrate the darkest
  1. depths of the oceans and strange flying craft that can reach floating cities. Expeditions into the past and future have become common with the invention of the Time Machine.
    1. Bioshock Infinate
      1. Future in the past
        1. Bioshock infinate like levels (floating cities)
          1. Third chapter of the game
      2. Doctor Who
        1. Time travel
          1. levels in Viking time, Tutor time, Roman time, Victorian time, 20th century and 30th
            1. Second chapter of the game
        2. Underwater
          1. an underwater section (levels)
            1. First chapter of the game
          2. Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG and Sandbox
            1. Character Customastion
              1. Exploration in between missions/levels
                1. Shooting/Magic powers/Melee
                  1. Multiplayer Mode
                    1. Vs or Mission
                      1. Bit like GTA 5


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