There are two ways of ending a pregnancy: in-clinic abortion and the abortion pill. Both are safe and very common. If you’re pregnant and thinking about abortion, you may have lots of questions. We’re here to help.
The personality begins after a
fetus is able to survive outside
the womb or after birth, not in
Embryos and fetuses are not independent,
self-determining beings, and abortion is the termination
of a pregnancy, not a baby. A person's age is calculated
from birth date, not conception, and fetuses are not
counted in the US Census. The majority opinion in Roe v.
Wade states that "the word 'person,' as used in the
Fourteenth Amendment [of the US Constitution], does not
include the unborn."
Fetuses are incapable of
feeling pain when most
abortions are performed.
According to a 2010 review by Britain's Royal College of Obstetricians
and Gynaecologists, "most neuroscientists believe that the cortex is
necessary for pain perception." The cortex does not become functional
until at least the 26th week of a fetus' development, long after most
abortions are performed. This finding was endorsed in 2012 by the
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which stated that
that there is "no legitimate scientific information that supports the
statement that a fetus experiences pain."
Modern abortion procedures
are safe and do not cause
lasting health issues such as
cancer and infertility.
A 2012 study in Obstetrics & Gynecology found a woman's risk
of dying from having an abortion is 0.6 in 100,000, while the risk
of dying from giving birth is around 14 times higher (8.8 in
100,000). The study also found that "pregnancy-related
complications were more common with childbirth than with
Abortion gives pregnant women the
option to choose not to bring
fetuses with profound
abnormalities to full term.
Some fetuses have such severe disorders that death is guaranteed before or
shortly after birth. These include anencephaly, in which the brain is missing,
and limb-body wall complex, in which organs develop outside the body cavity.
It would be cruel to force women to carry fetuses with fatal congenital defects
to term. Even in the case of nonfatal conditions, such as Down syndrome,
parents may be unable to care for a severely disabled child. Deborah Anne
Driscoll, MD, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of
Pennsylvania, said "many couples... don’t have the resources, don’t have the
emotional stamina, don’t have the family support [to raise a child with Down
Abortion is murder.
The killing of an innocent human being is wrong, even if that
human being has yet to be born. Unborn babies are
considered human beings by the US government. The federal
Unborn Victims of Violence Act, which was enacted "to protect
unborn children from assault and murder," states that under
federal law, anybody intentionally killing or attempting to kill
an unborn child should "be punished... for intentionally killing
or attempting to kill a human being."
Abortion eliminates the potential
societal contributions of a future
human being.
According to Heisman Trophy-winning football player
Tim Tebow, "the reason I'm here" is because his
mother ignored the advice of doctors who
recommended an abortion. It has also been reported
that the mothers of entertainers Celine Dion, Cher,
and Justin Bieber were either advised to have
abortions or were considering the procedure, but
chose to give birth to their babies instead.
Life begins at conception, so
unborn babies are human beings
with a right to life.
Upon fertilization, a human individual is created with a unique
genetic identity that remains unchanged throughout his or her life.
This individual has a fundamental right to life, which must be
protected. Jerome Lejeune, the French geneticist who discovered the
chromosome abnormality that causes Down syndrome, stated that
"To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new
human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion...
The human nature of the human being from conception to old age is
not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence."
Abortion promotes a culture in
which human life is
The legalization of abortion sends a message that human life has little
value. Pope Francis condemned "'the throwaway culture'" in Jan. 2014,
stating that "what is thrown away is not only food and dispensable
objects, but often human beings themselves, who are discarded as
'unnecessary'. For example, it is frightful even to think there are
children, victims of abortion, who will never see the light of day..."
House Representative Randy Hultgren wrote in Jan. 2014 that "When
we tell one another that abortion is okay, we reinforce the idea that
human lives are disposable, that we can throw away anything or
anyone that inconveniences us."