Chronic Asthma


Chronic Asthma
Melody Russell
Mapa Mental por Melody Russell, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Melody Russell
Criado por Melody Russell aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Chronic Asthma
  1. Diagnosis
    1. Thorough history, Physical exam, PFTs, Methacholine challenge, Labs, Imaging and Allergy testing
    2. Treatment
      1. Avoid triggers, Peak flow meter, Rescue inhaler, Steroids, Antihistamines, Long-term maintenance medications, Asthma Action Plan
      2. Epidemiology
        1. 1 in 13 people have asthma. More common in children than adults. More boys than girls have it. African Americans die at a higher rate than any other ethnicity. More common in adult women than adult men.
        2. Pathophysiology
          1. Bronchospasms cause the airways to narrow. Capillaries in the airways leak, contributing to secretions, causing edema and preventing full clearance of mucus. Mucus secreting glands expand, giving way to a thick mucus plug blocking the airway. Epithelial peeling can cause airway impairment allowing antigens to penetrate causing the airways to become hyper responsive. Without treatment, airway remodeling can occur, which allows for loss of lung function and poor response to medical treatment. After treatment, the airways will not go back to normal.
          2. Clinical Presentation
            1. Wheezing, Coughing, Chest Tightness and Dyspnea


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