Informal Assessments for EB/EL


Mapa Mental sobre Informal Assessments for EB/EL, criado por Emily Day em 02-09-2018.
Emily Day
Mapa Mental por Emily Day, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emily Day
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Informal Assessments for EB/EL
  1. Assess Content Knowledge
    1. Even in beginning and intermediate stages of language development, we want students to use their thinking ability and be challenged!
      1. Teachers should help EL/BL to exercise their critical thinking skills.
        1. Differentiated Scoring
          1. Do they understand the concept?
            1. EB/EL students draw the water cycle instead of answering questions from the chapter. As long as understanding of the concept is there, the mode of response should not matter.
            2. Do students give accurate responses?
              1. Does the response demonstrate learning even if the grammar, sentence structure, or punctuation is poor? If so, don't discount student learning!
              2. Do students demonstrate the process?
                1. In math, we have used smaller numbers and problems without fractions as long as the student is able to solve the equation.
              3. Scaffolding (Scaffold or bridge instruction to a lower language level by...
                1. Projects
                  1. Hands-on projects can easily be modified to accommoate the language level of your learner since it is individual work.
                  2. Drawings
                    1. Drawings allow students to demonstrate what they know- they are invaluable at all stages of assessment.
                    2. Written Instructions
                      1. These instructions could be simpler numbered steps or pictures.
                      2. Graphic Organizers
                        1. Graphic organizers help students understand a large amount of information ina simpler context. T-charts are simple and universally useful.
                          1. example
                        2. Extra Time
                          1. It may need to be decided beforehand how much extra time students are allowed and for which assignments/tests.
                          2. Shorter passages or responses
                            1. Paragraph instead of an essay or a complete sentence instead of a paragraph. Student readings can be shortened or use graphic novels,
                      3. Use progress forms for content areas
                        1. Is the student participating in class and attempting work?
                          1. What is their grade in the class?
                            1. What accommodations have been helpful? What accommodations have not helped?
                              1. Are there any others ways that the EL teacher can support you with this student?
                            2. Performance Based Assessments (No Single Correct Answer. Rubrics are used to score.
                              1. Processes
                                1. Several Drafts of Writing
                                  1. Using the Scientific Method
                                    1. Drawing Steps to Solve a Problem
                                    2. Products
                                      1. Team Project
                                        1. Posters
                                          1. Digital Products
                                            1. Digital Newspaper
                                              1. Webpage
                                                1. Powerpoint
                                                  1. Movie Clip
                                              2. Portfolios (Document student growth over time)
                                                1. Samples of Completed Student Work
                                                  1. Students can select the work they want to include and use it to develop future goals.
                                                  2. Completed Forms
                                                    1. Teacher Descriptions of Student Accomplishments
                                                      1. Formal Test Data, Rating Sheets, and checklists
                                                        1. Videos/recordings demonstrating standard mastery via role-play or oral reports


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