Hst 4.2 Availabilty percentages and intervals


the availability of a system is expressed as a percentage of uptime in a given period, usually one year or one month.
G. Wagenmaker
Mapa Mental por G. Wagenmaker, atualizado more than 1 year ago
G. Wagenmaker
Criado por G. Wagenmaker quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Hst 4.2 Availabilty percentages and intervals
  1. Availability Levels - SLA
    1. Uptime in period of time in month/year
      1. 99,8%
        1. 99,9% (3 nines)
          1. 99,99% (4-nines)
            1. carrier grade availability = extremely high availability
              1. 99,999% (5-nines)
          2. MTBF = Meam Time Between Failures
            1. average time that passes between failures
              1. expressed in hours, how many hours will the component or service work without failure
                1. MTBF = (see boek page 55 for example.)
              2. MTTR = Mean Time To Repair
                1. which is time to take to recover from a failure
                  1. manual actions
                    1. components repair
                      1. notifications of the fault
                        1. processing alarm
                          1. find root cause of error
                            1. looking up repair information
                              1. spare componenets from storage
                                1. technician to datacenter for repair
                                  1. restarting and testing the components
                                  2. components replace
                              2. Availability =
                                  1. calculation example see boek page 56-57
                                  2. serial availability
                                    1. when a failure of any part in a system cause a failure of the system as a whole
                                      1. system with serial components
                                        1. to increase availability
                                          1. Two systems in parrallel


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