classroom culture and climate


Mapa Mental sobre classroom culture and climate, criado por Brenda Portillo em 19-09-2018.
Brenda Portillo
Mapa Mental por Brenda Portillo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Brenda Portillo
Criado por Brenda Portillo mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

classroom culture and climate
  1. Classroom culture is all the vibe and mood of the room.
    1. Ways to build a positive classroom climate
      1. Have high spectations
        1. expect that your students will do well and encourage them by letting them know what you believe in them
        2. Set up fair and consistent behavior management processes
          1. Teach students the behavior you expect, give them opportunities to practice and use positive reinforcement
          2. Focus on building positive relationships
            1. The more rules you have, the more chance there is that one of our students is breaking a rule at any given time
              1. Negotiate class expectations
                1. give all your students a voice in how they think the class should operate including what they expect from you, their teacher
                  1. Explicity teach your expectations
                    1. think of behaviour as another subject you need to teach your students and be creative
                      1. Reinforce students
                        1. Specific praise reinforces the target studetns and prompts others to do the same
                          1. Negotiate fair, respectful responses
                            1. Have a clrear hierarchy of consecuences that are mininful restorative and teach students the skills they need to get along with others and work productively in the clasroom
                              1. Reteach expectations
                                1. when necessary in a new situation or when behavior has deteriorated
                                  1. Teach your class routines
                                    1. everry teacher is different and has different ways of doing things, so you need to teach your studetns how to work in your classroom.
                        2. Use effective, evidence based teaching and learning practices
                          1. Be prepared for your classes by considering your students and how they best learn
                          2. Encourage positive relationships between students
                            1. Use respecful language and demand a high standard of relatiing to one another in the classroom.
                          3. Additional Tips
                            1. Ask different questions
                              1. Instead of asking students if they have any questions, ask them 'what question do you have?
                              2. Do mindful breathing excersises
                                1. Start a class instagram

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                                5 Passos para Aprendizagem de Sucesso
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                                Resumo para o exame nacional - Fernando Pessoa Ortónimo, Alberto Caeiro , Ricardo Reis e Álvaro Campos
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                                Fabrícia Assunção
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                                Natalia André
                                Instrumentação Cirúrgica
                                Lia Argenton