Wolfe Tone (revolutionary leader in Ireland)


Mapa Mental sobre Wolfe Tone (revolutionary leader in Ireland), criado por jessicascah em 01-11-2014.
Mapa Mental por jessicascah, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jessicascah aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Wolfe Tone (revolutionary leader in Ireland)
  1. Tone was angry that the Irish Parliament only admitted Protestants
    1. he felt religion shouldn't divide Irishmen
    2. he wrote a pamphlet called "An Argument On Behalf Of The Catholics Of Ireland"
      1. a Catholic comittee is Catholic Emancipation
        1. Tone was the comittees secretary
        2. Samuel Neilson, Henry Joy McCracken, Thomas Russell and Tone became the founders of the Society of United Irishmen
          1. their aims were to free Ireland from Brittish control
          2. wolfe tones aims were to see political reform instead of violent revolution
            1. Catholics were given the vote
              1. mant disappointed Catholics then joined the United Irishmen believing stronger action was needed for reform and to end Brittish control over Ireland


              Medidas e Medições
              Alessandra S.
              Abordagens Psicológicas
              Alda Bezerra
              Aprenda a fazer uma boa Redação para concursos Públicos em 5 passos
              Alessandra S.
              Recrutamento e seleção de pessoas
              Psicologia Cognitiva/Memória
              Daiane Medeiros
              Tipos de sujeito
              Roberta Souza
              Phrasal Verbs - Inglês #2
              Eduardo .
              DOENÇA MENTAL E TRATAMENTO -Texto 16
              Modelos Atômicos
              Caio Carboni
              Planejamento e Controle da Produção
              Luciana Amaral Pereira Freire
              Desenho Técnico
              Rebecca Schor