Choosing the correct book buildscuriosity and pumps up the readingvolume!


Education Mapa Mental sobre Choosing the correct book buildscuriosity and pumps up the readingvolume!, criado por Amanda O'Quinn em 03-11-2018.
Amanda  O'Quinn
Mapa Mental por Amanda O'Quinn, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Amanda  O'Quinn
Criado por Amanda O'Quinn mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Choosing the correct book buildscuriosity and pumps up the readingvolume!
  1. Chapter 2: Cultivate Curiosity
    1. Curiosity Drives Leaning: Recent research has revealed a great deal about young children and their innate appetite for questioning and wondering.
      1. 1. Model your own curiosity every day. Make what you wonder visible.
        1. 2. Honor the questioning and the learning more than the knowing.
          1. 3. Build in lots of time for kids to explore, investigate, and research questions that interst them.
            1. "Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder." By: E. B. WHITE
              1. Main idea #1 Reading sparks interest of all age groups.
              2. Main idea # 2 Reading changes who we are.
              3. Chapter 3: Ensure Access to and Choice of Books
                1. Daily access to irresistible books is essential to all readers' development.
                  1. 1. Build a library for the readers you expect; customize it for the readers you meet.
                    1. 2.Display, read aloud, and book-talk a wide range of titles.
                      1. 3. Send books home nightly, on weekends, and over school vacation.
                        1. Although the collections in Mamaroneck classroom libraries appeared vast, was it possible that they constituted book deserts for striving readers like Michelle?
                        2. Main idea # 3 Choosing the correct book is key.
                        3. Chapter 4: Pump up the Reading Volume
                          1. Reading Makes readers. They can read linearly from cover to cover or they can use the table of contents to navigate to topics of particular interest.
                            1. 1. Trust the book, trust the reader.
                              1. 2. Build in time for students to read independently.
                                1. 3. Remove the barriers to volume.
                                  1. The overwhelming benefits of voluminous engage reading compel us to give all kids a whopping daily dose and make it a foremost intervention for striving readers.
                                  2. Main idea # 4 Reading can seem overwhelming, so be sure to chose the correct reading.
                                    1. Main idea # 5 Never settle with less, read more.


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