Forming & Managing Teams - Project & Team charters


MBA 1.2 Forming Teams Mapa Mental sobre Forming & Managing Teams - Project & Team charters, criado por dejagerd em 10-08-2013.
Mapa Mental por dejagerd, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por dejagerd aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Forming & Managing Teams - Project & Team charters
  1. Best practice for consultant to draw up a project charter
    1. A charter formally recognises the existence of the project - empowers PM to use organisational resources
      1. Contents of a charter
        1. Project Intent
          1. Describe scope of project
          2. Product description
            1. Summary description of project output
            2. Business need
              1. Reason for undertaking project
              2. Preliminary delineation of roles and responsibilities
                1. Identify PM and key people as well as key division supplying people
                2. Reference of authority
                  1. Identify authority figure in client organisation to authorise decision on future of project
            3. Forming project team
              1. PM to form key roles & optimal structure
                1. Different projects have different key roles
                  1. People assigned to critical roles must report direct to PM
                2. The following should be considered:
                  1. Define key roles
                    1. Define project team structure
                      1. Assign individuals to critical roles
                        1. Individuals incritical roles to select own sub teams
                          1. Develop team charter
                        2. High-Performance teams
                          1. Different mix of skills must be considered
                            1. Set organisational chart with clear roles & responsibilities
                            2. Open communication is vital
                              1. Should be facilitated & encouraged by consultant
                              2. Teams should be inspired
                                1. PM to set vision & motivate team through process
                                  1. Team performance is more important than individual performance
                                  2. Team bonding & celebrations should occur
                                  3. High performance teams will:
                                    1. Commit to achieve common project objectives
                                      1. Learn to work together and support each other
                                        1. Take pride in high quality results
                                          1. Take pride in customer satisfaction
                                        2. Team Charter
                                          1. Team usually made up of staff from consulting firm and client organisation
                                            1. Different cultures/practices makes commiting to a charter a good way to set out rules of engagement and avoid conflict
                                            2. Different from project charter
                                              1. Engenders commitment and ownership of project by individuals - should have each members signature on page
                                              2. Set out team performance objectives, roles and responsibilities & rules of engagement
                                                1. Definitions
                                                  1. Performance objectives
                                                    1. What project will do and deliver
                                                      1. Time lines and budget
                                                    2. Roles and responsibilities
                                                      1. No misunderstanding or ambiuity
                                                      2. Rules of engagement
                                                        1. Ground rules for operation of team
                                                          1. Expectations of team members & how they work together
                                                            1. Punctuality, respect, commitment, openness, acceptable behavior etc
                                                              1. Meeting protocols, discussion protocols
                                                                1. Decision making process


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