Personalities and Powerbases


Mapa Mental sobre Personalities and Powerbases, criado por Arni Lewis em 17-11-2014.
Arni Lewis
Mapa Mental por Arni Lewis, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Arni Lewis
Criado por Arni Lewis quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Personalities and Powerbases
  1. Party Positions
    1. Trotsky
      1. Head of Red Army
        1. Was seen as threat
          1. Gained loyalty of members of the army who were also part of the army
        2. Stalin
          1. General Secretary
            1. controlled politburo agenda
              1. selected delegates for Party Congress
              2. Head of Rabkrin
                1. controlled Part disclipline
              3. Bukharin
                1. Editor of Pravda
                  1. could publish his own views and criticise views of others
                2. Zinoviev
                  1. Kamenev
                    1. head of Moscow Party
                    2. head of Petrograd Party
                  2. Ideological Conflict
                    1. LEFT WING
                      1. Focused on Lenin's policies during the Civil War: abolishment of Capitalism, Money & private property
                      2. RIGHT WING
                        1. pro NEP: gradual rather than immediate revolutionary change


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