P5 explain the role of software design principles and software structures in the IT systems devel


Mapa Mental sobre P5 explain the role of software design principles and software structures in the IT systems devel, criado por ibrahim ahmed em 25-11-2014.
ibrahim ahmed
Mapa Mental por ibrahim ahmed, atualizado more than 1 year ago
ibrahim ahmed
Criado por ibrahim ahmed mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

P5 explain the role of software design principles and software structures in the IT systems devel
  1. Function
    1. two types of function
      1. built in
        1. already providded
      2. user defined functions
      3. Readability
          1. Ignore by computer
            1. auto coloured green
              1. quotation marks
              2. Loop or selection
            2. Pre defined code
              1. Savetime
                1. already tested
                2. Quality of code
                  1. Usability
                    1. Reliable and robust
                      1. able to handle errors
                    2. Procedures
                      1. Ends with End sub
                        1. Starts with line code
                          1. Created by VB


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